
Service provider

Bewegung im Ganzen
Renato Dirks
Carrer Morras 3
07669 Cala Ferrera


E-mail address:
Phone: +34 63 33 46 709

Company Details

CIF/ NIF ESY8256532Y

job title

Legal job title: Physiotherapist

Country in which the professional title was awarded: Spain

Social media and other online presences

This imprint also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:

Liability and property rights notices

Disclaimer: The contents of this online offer have been created carefully and according to our current state of knowledge, but are only for information and do not have a legally binding effect, unless it is legally binding information (e.B. the imprint, the data protection declaration, terms and conditions or mandatory instructions of consumers). We reserve the right to change or delete the content in whole or in part, insofar as contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are subject to confirmation and non-binding.

Links to external websites:The contents of external websites to which we refer directly or indirectly are outside our area of responsibility and we do not adopt them as our own. We assume no responsibility for all contents and disadvantages arising from the use of the information accessible in the linked websites.

Copyrights and trademark rights: All content presented on this website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, brands and trademarks are protected by the respective property rights (copyrights, trademark rights). The use, duplication, etc. are subject to our rights or the rights of the respective authors or rights holders.

Information on legal violations: If you notice legal violations within our website, we ask you to point them out to us. We will remove illegal content and links immediately after becoming aware of them.

Created with free by Dr. Thomas Schwenke

Contact me

Data Protection

Placa Porta Murada 1, 07650 Santanyi / Mallorca

+34 633346709

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