
Everything about fascia yoga

What is Fayo®?

Fayo: Special exercises (flows) that work precisely in those areas where our body needs support the most.

We always work in the optimal anatomical regions, based on the major ‘bottlenecks’ found in the body which can cause long-term pain and wear if left unchecked.

Flows include intensive stretching positions, rotation and breathing exercises both on the mat and in standing positions.

Suitable for patients at all levels, ages and in any physical condition.

Fascia rolls and flows

Special fascia rollers designed for this purpose are used to reinvigorate the connective tissue, boost metabolism, and help free the connective tissue of any toxins.

The Earthflow, carried out on the mat, is used to improve flexibility. The focus here is not only on stretching, but also strengthening and ensuring good control by the brain, connecting body and mind. These positive effects are then further developed using the Skyflow. After reaching new goals for our joint angles, training follows a sequence of movements which further work to extend and strengthen, whilst at the same time working up a sweat and a little laughter.

Then, we mustn’t forget a combination of rotation and breathing exercises as part of our flows, in addition to mindfulness and meditation.

Even greater benefits for all those who take part, for integrating what has been practiced into their daily life.

A holistic approach

Nutrition, balanced movements and effective mindfulness are the three fundamental pillars of FAYO®. It should not be viewed as a passing trend, but rather a life-long principle. FAYO® is an acronym made up of the words: food, awareness, yoga, om.

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